Our Products

Select a product from the list below to learn more about what we offer and access product highlight sheets and applications.

Our Products

Select a product from the list below to learn more about what we offer and access product highlight sheets and applications.

SUITELIFE is an all-lines insurance and risk management program for hotels, resorts, and hotel management companies.

Lines of Business

  • Property – limits up to $75 million per location
    • Property Enhancement
    • Extended Period of Indemnity
    • Down Zoning Coverage
  • Crime including Guest Property
  • General Liability
    • Non-Auditable
    • GL Extended Coverages
    • Hospitality Professional Services Endorsement
    • Hospitality Errors & Omissions
    • Abusive acts (Positive Grant)
  • Liquor Liability
  • Commercial Automobile & GKLL
  • Umbrella Liability Available with writing primary casualty lines of coverage


  • National Carrier Support
  • Proprietary Products and coverage forms
  • Enhanced coverage forms
  • Catastrophic (CAT) capacity
  • Ability to handle multiple locations
  • Admitted and available in all states
  • Insured access to SUITELIFE’s risk management resources
  • Loss frequency and severity industry reports for comparison purposes

Hotel Alternative Markets provides coverage for Distinguished Inns and Bed & Breakfast, Single Location Independent Hotels (Non-Franchise), Hunting & Fishing Lodges (including PC 8, 9, & 10), Certain Coastal Locations, Hard-To-Place Hotel Accounts, Workers’ Compensation.

Lines of Business

  • Property – mono-line available
  • General Liability – mono-line available
  • Liquor Liability
  • Inn Keepers Liability
  • Hunting & Fishing Guide Services
  • Hired and Non-Owned Liability
  • Abuse & Molestation (on Hard-To-Place Accounts)
  • Assault & Battery (on Hard-To-Place Accounts)
  • Workers’ Compensation


  • Competitive rating structure
  • Added catastrophic (CAT) capacity
  • Ability to handle multiple locations
  • Access to large deductible

The description of this program is only a summary of available coverages. Actual policy language will dictate the scope of coverage in the event of a claim. We encourage policyholders and their agents, to read the full policy form and any applicable endorsements for full terms and conditions.

Risk Management Hotline – 24/7 Assistance:
If you have an after hour emergency or need assistance, call 610.989.2747

